More than 5 years of research have lead to an amazing technology that offers a strong resistance to heavy weather conditions all year long. Compared to traditional covers which are often damaged by frost, hail and storms, the Covrex® Classic covers are fully resistant to these extreme conditions and are even under warranty.
Furthermore, thanks to the materials used, Covrex® Classic pool covers can resist extreme wintertime temperatures and keep their flexibility, even down to -20°C. This gives a pool owner the opportunity to leave their Covrex® cover on the pool during winter without adding extra protection or lowering the water level. There's no need for a winter canvas or bubble cover.
On the other hand, with high temperatures causing traditional pool covers to warp, the Covrex® Classic covers preserve their original shape even up to 70°C.
During autumn when dead leaves fall onto the pool cover, Covrex® maintains the quality of your pool water thanks to its flexible connection without leaving any space between the slats preventing dirt and dust to reach the water.